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2017年12月20日Prof. Donka Alexandrova讲座
讲座题目:Some trends of the Contemporary Global Rhetoric 主讲人:Donka Alexandrova(Bulgaria) 讲座时间:2017年12月20日下午16:30-18:00 讲座地点:澳门威斯尼斯人官网下载316会议室 学者介绍:Prof. Donka Alexandrova is professor in rhetoric in Bulgaria. She taught in Veliko Turnovo University, Sofia University and so on. She is president of the Bulgarian Association of Rhetoric, member of the managerial board of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric, member of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, Vice President of the Global Rhetoric Society in Beijing, and member of editorial board of the International Rhetorical Studies. She is also guest professor at Delhi University and Texas A&M University. Publications: Ancient Sources of Rhetoric;Rhetorical Problems;Textbook of Rhetoric; Rhetorical Metamorphoses in the 20th century.The Foundations of Rhetoric, etc.
